Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Linsay meets her stalker....

When I spoke to Linsay about her photographs she agreed with a few of my points. She is quite a sentimental peson with hundreds of photographs, she holds on to items from her childhood and jewellery means a lot to her.

Linsay agrees that her family is a main influence in her life, especially her mother and one of her aunties. She doesn’t see her siblings often, they are all very busy.

I said that Linsays home looked quite homey and natural, but she says she has only been there a year. She agrees that it looks homey because it is her parent’s house and not university halls.

Linsay corrected me on a few points. I said the photographs on her pin boards were of friends and that the drawings were made by friends, however most of her photographs are of family and pets and the drawings were made by her neice and nephews. I also commented that there were no band posters or cds, but I did not notice the iPod doc next to her TV, she usually has her iPod on her and all of her music is on that. I suggested that she had quite a few DVDs, I didn’t notice but the face of Linsays DVD collection is only the front row! She loves watching films and television series.

Linsay confirmed that she has a problem with throwing things away. She has lots of gifts from her family around her room and this is why she has so many things.

She then pointed out a couple of things that I had missed. Firstly she has lots of pens and masking tape on her desk, clearly an art student! I also did not see the bottle of vodka on her bookcase, she pointed it out and said ‘I like to party!’. I maybe overlooked these since everyone I know has these items around their rooms!

It has been interesting discussing my observations with Linsay, most of them were right but it was good to hear her background stories. Linsay seemed okay with having me snoop around her bedroom, she did not mind that I was analysing her things and seemed completely comfortable even though we are not close friends.

When I was looking at the photographs I did not really think about how I felt about snooping at someone elses property, because it is University work. I think on the subject of how ethical it is to do this, that it is ethical as long as the person is comfortable and gives permission. I do not think I would be comfortable posting the pictures on my blog however.

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