Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Being a snoop...

I've found it more difficult than I imagined to deduce a persons personality from photos of their bedroom. I have gone with the main points we were given and looked at taste, influences, possesions and environment.


Linsays room is full of books and DVDS. She has a large selection of DVDS including lots of ‘girly’ movies; Dirty Dancing, Ghost as well as some comedys; Hot Fuzz, Zoolander and a few Christmas movies.

Her room does not appear to have any posters so it is hard to determine what kind of music she likes.

The Harry Potter books are piled up on top of the rest in her book case. I think I can also see Lord of the Rings, there are quite a lot of books!

There is a lot of jewellery around as well, though this makes sense since she is a jewellery student.

She clearly likes soft toys as there are numerous teddies all over her room.


I would say Linsay is mostly influenced by family and friends, there are photos in most of her pictures and picture frames are placed all around her room. I wouldn’t say she was that influenced by music, as I cannot see any CDs or band posters anywhere, but maybe she owns MP3s instead! In the photos Lindsay and her friends seem to have the same kind of style.


Linsays room looks very homey and natural, a fair bit of clutter with ornaments and day to day things like hair products and clothes. There are lots of childrens toys on top of her wardrobe, a dolls house and stuffed toys. This suggests that she is nostalgic. There are also quite a few jewellery boxes and small chests of drawers. She has what looks like a bottle of sun tan lotion on her bookcase, maybe she has been on holiday recently? I think there is also a pair of walking boots on the floor, but they are half cut out of the picture. Maybe she likes hill climbing.

Her pinboard is quite neat and not over crowded, she has photos of animals, probably pets, as well as of her friends and family, also suggesting nostalgia. She also has some light hearted drawings which look like they are from her friends.


Linsays room is obviously from her home, not a university flat. She has customised it with ornaments, photographs and a pinboard with photos and drawings on it.

I am meeting Linsay tomorrow morning to discuss the information that each of us gathered from each others photos and will post our findings after!

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