Monday 12 October 2009

Mind Mapping 'The Tipping Point'

For Design studies we were asked to make a general mind map about the book 'The Tipping Point' by Malcolm Gladwell. After the lecture and the seminar that followed it I looked at what we had discussed and developed a mind map. The main themes I used were 'The Law of the Few', 'The Stickiness Factor', 'Epidemics' and 'The Power of Context'.

I really enjoyed the book and found the part (in the chapter 'The Law of the Few') about different types of people in society very interesting, particularly Gladwells examples of 'Connectors'.

The idea of Crime as an epidemic and The Broken Window Theory also really interests me, though we hear about Crime waves I had never thought of it being contagious and I didn't know much about how graffiti was stopped etc.

Though I am sick of hearing about Hush Puppies, I liked how the section showed how things spread, fashion, crime etc.
I thought the 'Stickiness Factor' chapter was probably the best part of the book. I didn't realise how much time and testing went into children's television.

Since I found 'The Stickiness Factor' the most interesting, I went into it in more detail for the second part of our assignment. There was so much information about children's television and the testing that goes into it. I found the example of the 2 year old, Emily, who had more advanced conversations with herself than with her parents especially interesting.

I think I maybe went into a bit too much detail but the mind maps include names of authors and researchers, which was the third part of our assignment so I hope they are okay!

Sarah Stewart

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